Welcome to the Club Almost ten years post-Orwell, it's time to finally lay the cards on the table. It's not just increasingly difficult for the average consumer to find their way through today's media-controlled world - it's almost impossible. The Chaos Computer Club of Hamburg and Berlin, together with the FoeBuD e.V., Bielefeld and Hacktic, Amsterdam, have organized the "Chaos Communication Congress" to add to the chaos, paradoxically helping to clear up the fog of information in and about the media. At the tenth annual Chaos Congress, computer freaks and information fanatics have gathered to examine the latest developments, learn more about the various fields, and offer their knowledge to the general public. This description may be misleading - this is not a meeting to exchange information about the best, newest, fanciest hardware or software. Working with networks has long since become a political issue; computer network systems are all too easily abused. Widespread open discussion of the issues surrounding electronic networking have sensitized a broad sector of the public to the problems involved, especially where privacy and freedom of speech are concerned (is Big Brother listening in?). It is the duty of public media to provide information and clarify the situation. It is our hope that you will put aside this or that 'invented' sensationalist story in favor of a serious report. The main theme here is the HUMAN perspective in the "digital information age"! Detailed information is available from the Press Room, located on the ground floor. Please be patient if we cannot respond to every question right away. Our co-workers will make every effort to put you in contact with someone who can answer anything we can't. Yours truly, The Press Room Staff (elfie)